Our Essential Podcast Equipment Guide

April 8, 2019

Everyone wants to know the secret ingredients in the Hot Breath! sauce.

Well, the curtain is being pulled back today with a breakdown of all the gear we use to help share the weekly comedy mastery we trust and love.

Just so you know, our 4-year podcasting journey started by borrowing equipment from friends. So if you want to start your own podcast but don’t have the budget, start small by borrowing equipment. Podcasting is fun but a lot of work. We’ve spent up to 15 hours producing a single episode so borrowing your equipment first will help you decide if podcasting is something you want to pursue long term.

Now to the fun part!

After hours of research, we found this article about Marc Maron’s podcast set-up. So in honor of Picasso’s famous quote, “Bad artists copy, good artists steal” we stole from the best and encourage you to do the same. Our entire mission is to create quality content and that comes at a price. So we made a bigger up front investment to make sure our interviews are timeless regardless of how far technology advances. Below are our Amazon affiliate links and a breakdown of the podcasting set-up that has carried us through over 170 Hot Breathisodes.

Blue Microphones enCORE 200

Blue Microphones is one of the industry's most respected brands and we love hearing the guests compliment the pretty gold covers. These mics will not only deliver the visual wow factor, but also the audio quality wow factor you need to stand out from the competition.

Zoom H4N Pro Digital Recorder

The Zoom H4N is an industry standard in audio recording. We've seen several podcasters use this device without any complaints and we can say the same. Zoom has an easy to use interface and a reliable reputation that will keep your podcast humming for several years and beyond.

Mogami Gold Studio XLR Cables

We chose the trusted brand Mogami because finding the right mic cables can be a tricky process. This is definitely an item that proves the phrase "you get what you pay for." We've known people to go the cheaper route on mic cables and something always fails down the line. You're going to be using these chords a lot, so invest the money up front for optimal audio quality and longevity.

Pyle Desktop Tripod Mic Stands

Using mic stands is a great way to avoid the unnecessary noise created by holding and waving a mic around while talking. Some of our interview set-ups out in the field don't have room for a mic stand but we try to use ours as much as possible and these Pyle Tripods have never let us down.

If you want to learn more about how to start your own podcast, click below to join my online course.



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