August 13, 2019

Our Favorite Episodes

We are celebrating the four year anniversary of Hot Breath! Podcast and you are invited! After almost 200 episodes (Hot Breathisodes), this is your opportunity to be heard and share your own favorite episodes over the past four years. Below are a few of our personal favorites from the archives. Connect and tag us on social media with your favorites.

Today's Hot Breathisode highlight is....Season One!

Interviewing Ms. Pat in the "studio."

Four years ago today, this podcast launched as a platform to highlight Atlanta comedy and it’s influence on the industry. We've always been a fan of the scene but didn’t understand it’s impact until season nine of Last Comic Standing. Not only had an Atlanta comic won the previous season (Rod Man), but season nine showcased eight Atlanta comics including the winner, Clayton English.

Creating a podcast seemed like the best way to document this historical moment for the scene. So, that is why the first season of the show is also our first Hot Breathisode highlight of the week.

Season one launched way back in the day when we were recording on borrowed equipment in an old classroom that looked more like an asylum than actual studio. It’s fun to listen back on these episodes and see how far we’ve grown over the past 4 years. We're proud of this first season and even more proud of the progress we’ve made in such a short amount of time.

Behind the scenes of my phone interview with Rod Man. Fun story, he cuts me off 30 minutes into the interview. Give it a listen to find out why.

Some productions went easier than others. A personal favorite moment is interviewing Noah Gardenswartz. This is one of the rare phone interviews we’ve done. About 15 minutes into the talk, I realized I hadn’t hit the record button. Noah, being a personal friend, was cool about the circumstance and willing to start over. A few minutes later the memory card on the recorder maxes out. OK, fix that and then the batteries of the recorder die. After all this, Noah's episode remains one of our most popular about the craft of joke writing and to stop doing phone interviews!

A small sample of our behind the scenes research.

Some guests were easier to get than others. Although some of these guests are personal friends, others required some investigative work, personal referrals, reaching out their management, and several other tactics. However and by whoever, we were able to get all guests on board and complete season one of the Hot Breath! Podcast.

Below are links to season one of Hot Breath! Podcast:

1. Rob Haze

2. Caleb Synan

3. Drew Thomas

4. Noah Gardenswartz

5. Mia Jackson

6. Lavar Walker

7. Clayton English

8. Ms. Pat

9. Rod Man

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